Hi, my name is Salvatore Rendo
I'm a Ms student and passionate about Cyber Security.

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About me

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I'm a Ms Cyber Security student at the University of Milan.

I earned my Bs degree in Computer Science at the University of Catania.

I'm intrested in Cyber Security, especially in Network Security, Cloud Security and Software Security. I'm also intrested in other Computer Science fields like Operating Systems and Computer Networks.

I prefer programming in Python, C/C++ and Java, although I'm always open to learn new ones.


My Blog:
Lockbase Security

This is a blog were you can learn the foundamentals and priciples of Cybersecurity.
Futhermore, there is a LAB section were I describe in detail some hands-on projects about Cybersecurity.

See Website

Coding and University projects: Github

All of my University and spare time projects are in my personal Github, check out some of them in my Github repos!

See Github


You can send me an email or contact me on Linkedin.

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